Rally Defi to Rally Idaho
It all started when Jason asked me if I wanted to join him of this bug adventure. After a couple of weeks of preparation, we were on our way to Rally Defi. We had an awesome rally there shooting for a couple of teams.
To see my videos from the Rally Defi 2018, visit this link: https://bit.ly/2QuHTkm

After our week-end in the « Lanaudiere » region, we left in direction of Idaho. After a few days in the car, we arrived at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The landscapes were amazing and so different than the ones we have in Eastern Canada.

To Yellow Stone National Park
The day after that, we went to iconic park, which happened to be a gold mine for us photographer.
To Boise, Idaho
On the second day in Idaho, we did our Recce in order to find the best spots to shoot during the rally. This exercise is really important in order to maximize the number of stage we would be able to attend.
Rally Idaho Day 1
After our trip from eastern Canada to western USA, everything was ready for us to shoot this new rally! It was a first for me in the ARA championship so a couple of things were different but we talked a lot with the marshals and volunteers to learn more about the sport in here.